Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Warm water extends from Laptev Sea to North Pole

The NOAA NESDIS image below shows sea surface temperature anomalies of well over 1ºC extending to the North Pole.

The image below gives a world view, showing SST anomalies at the top end of the scale in the Laptev Sea.

The top end of the scale on the above image is 5ºC (or 9ºF).

The visualizations above and below uses a much higher scale. Even this higher-end scale doesn't appear to fully capture the dire situation we are in.

Above image shows warm water entering the Arctic Ocean through the Bering Strait and from the North Atlantic. For months to come, the Gulf Stream will keep pushing warm water into the Arctic Ocean (i.e. water that is warmer than the water in the Arctic Ocean). It takes some time (i.e. months) for the warm water from the north Atlantic to arrive in the Arctic Ocean.

Last year, methane emissions started to become huge in October and this lasted for some six months. The image below, from an earlier post, shows methane eruptions from the seafloor of the Arctic Ocean on October 16/17, 2013.

The image below, from another earlier post, shows methane eruptions from the seafloor of the Arctic Ocean on October 31, 2013.

The image below, from yet another earlier post, shows methane levels as high as 2662 parts per billion on November 9, 2013.

This year, there is even more ocean heat present, especially in the north Atlantic and the north Pacific. On September 29, 2014, methane levels as high as 2641 parts per billion were recorded and it looks like worse is yet to come.

The video below, Sea floor methane hydrate climate hazard, is an extract produced by Peter Carter from a presentation by Miriam Kastner, uploaded 7 August 2008 at Youtube.

The situation is dire and calls for comprehensive and effective action, as discussed at the Climate Plan blog.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Why most scientists don't take Susan Greenfield seriously


Three years ago I wrote an open letter to Susan Greenfield, asking her to please stop claiming there is a link between autism and use of digital media. It’s never pleasant criticizing a colleague, and since my earlier blogpost I’ve held back from further comment, hoping that she might refrain from making claims about autism, and/or that interest in her views would just die down. But now she's back, reiterating the claims in a new book and TV interview, and I can remain silent no longer.

Greenfield featured last week as the subject of a BBC interview in the series Hard Talk. The interviewer, Stephen Sackur, asked her specifically if she really believed her claims that exposure to modern digital media – the internet, video games, social media – were damaging to children’s development. Greenfield stressed that she did: although she herself had not done direct research on the internet/brain impact link, there was ample research to persuade her it was real. Specifically, she stated: “.. in terms of the evidence, anyone is welcome to look at my website, and it’s been up there for the last year. There’s 500 peer-reviewed papers in support of the possible problematic effects.”

A fact-check on the “500 peer-reviewed papers”

So I took a look. The list can be downloaded from here: it’s not exactly a systematic review. I counted 395 distinct items, but only a small proportion are peer-reviewed papers that find evidence of adverse effects from digital technology. There are articles from the Daily Mail and reports by pressure groups. There are some weird things that seem to have found their way onto the list by accident, such as a report on the global tobacco epidemic, and another from Department of Work and Pensions on differences in life expectancy for 20-, 50- and 80-year-olds. I must confess I did not read these cover to cover, but a link with 'mind change' was hard to see. Of the 234 peer-reviewed papers, some are reports on internet trends that contain nothing about adverse consequences, some are straightforward studies of neuroplasticity that don’t feature the internet, and others are of uncertain relevance. Overall, there were 168 papers that were concerned with effects of digital technology on behaviour and 15 concerned with effects on the brain. Furthermore, a wide range of topics was included: internet addiction, Facebook and social relations, violent games and aggression, reading on screens vs books, cyberbullying, ‘brain training’ and benefits for visuospatial skills, effects of multitasking on attention. I could only skim titles and a few abstracts, but I did not come away feeling there was overwhelming evidence of adverse consequences of these new technologies. Rather, papers covered a mix of risks and benefits with varying quality of evidence. There is, for instance, a massive literature on Facebook influences on self-esteem and social networks, but much of it talks of benefits. The better studies also noted the difficulties of inferring causation from correlational data: for instance, it’s possible that an addictive attitude to a computer game is as much a consequence as a cause of problems with everyday life.

Greenfield’s specific contribution to this topic is to link it up with what we know about neuroplasticity, and she has speculated that attentional mechanisms may be disrupted by effects that games have on neurotransmitter levels, that empathy and social relationships can be damaged when computers/games take us away from interacting with people, and that too much focus on a two-dimensional screen may affect perceptual and cognitive development in children. This is all potentially important and a worthy topic for research, but is it reasonable, as she has done, to liken the threat to that posed by climate change? As Stephen Sackur pointed out, the evidence from neuroplasticity would indicate that if the brain changes in response to its environment, then we should be able to reverse an effect by a change in environment. I cannot resist also pointing out that if it is detrimental to perform socially-isolated activities with a two-dimensional surface rather than interacting with real people in a 3D world, then we should be discouraging children from reading books.

Digital media use as a risk factor for autism

My main concern is the topic that motivated me to write to Greenfield in the first place: autism. The arguments I put forward in 2011 still stand: it is simply irresponsible to indulge in scaremongering on the basis of scanty evidence, particularly when the case lacks logical consistency.

In the Hard Talk interview*, Greenfield attempted to clarify her position: “You have to be careful, because what I say is autistic spectrum disorder. That’s not the same as autism.” Yet this is no clarification at all, given that the latest edition of DSM5 states: “Individuals with a well-established DSM-IV diagnosis of autistic disorder, Asperger’s disorder, or pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified should be given the diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD).” Greenfield has had a few years to check her facts, yet seems to be under the impression that ASD is some kind of mild impairment like social gaucheness, quite distinct from a clinically significant condition.

In an interview in the Observer (see here**), Greenfield was challenged by the interviewer, Andrew Anthony, who mentioned my earlier plea to her to stop talking about autism. She replied to say that she was not alone in making the link and that there were published papers making the same case. She recommended that if I wanted to dissent, I should “slug it out” with the authors of those papers. That’s an invitation too good to resist, so I searched the list from her website to find any that mentioned autism. There were four (see reference list below):

We need not linger on the Hertz-Picciotto & Delwiche paper, because it focuses on changes in rates of autism diagnosis and does not mention internet use or screen time. The rise is a topic of considerable interest about which a great deal has been written, and numerous hypotheses have been put forward to explain it. Computer use is not generally seen as a plausible hypothesis because symptoms of ASD are typically evident by 2 years of age, long before children are introduced to computers. (Use of tablets with very young children is increasing, but would not have been a factor for the time period studied, 1990-2006).

The Finkenauer et al paper is a study of internet use, and compulsive internet use by married couples, who were assessed using self-report questionnaires. Frequency of internet use was not related to autistic traits, but compulsive internet use was. The authors did not conclude that internet use causes autistic traits – that would be a bit weird in a sample of adults who grew up before the internet was widespread. Instead, they note that if you have autistic traits, there is an increased likelihood that internet use could become problematic. The paper is cautious in its conclusions and does not support Greenfield’s thesis that the internet is a risk factor for autism. On the contrary, it emphasises the possibility that people who develop an addictive relationship with the internet may differ from others in pre-existing personality traits.

So on to Waldman et al, who consider whether television causes autism. Yes, that’s right, this is not about internet use. It’s about the humble TV. Next thing to note is this is an unpublished report, and not a peer-reviewed paper. So I checked out the authors to see if they had published anything on this, and found an earlier paper with the intriguing title: “Autism Prevalence and Precipitation Rates in California, Oregon, and Washington Counties”. Precipitation? Like, rainfall? Yup! The authors did a regression analysis and concluded that there was a statistically significant association between the amount of rainfall in a specific county, and the frequency of autism diagnoses. They then went on to consider why this might be, and came up with an ingenious explanation: when it is wet, children can’t play outside. So they watch TV. And develop autism.

In the unpublished report, the theme is developed further, by linking rate of precipitation to household subscription to cable TV. The conclusion:

“Our precipitation tests indicate that just under forty percent of autism diagnoses in the three states studied is the result of television watching due to precipitation, while our cable tests indicate that approximately seventeen percent of the growth in autism in California and Pennsylvania during the 1970s and 1980s is due to the growth of cable television.”

One can only breathe a sigh of relief that no peer-reviewed journal appears to have been willing to publish this study.

But wait, there is one more study in the list provided by Greenfield. Will this be the clincher? It's by Maxson McDowell a Jungian therapist who uses case descriptions to formulate a hypothesis that relates autism to “failure to acquire, or retain, the image of the mother’s eyes”. I was initially puzzled at inclusion of this paper, because the published version blames non-maternal childcare rather than computers, but there is an updated version online which does make a kind of link – though again not with the internet: “The image-of-the-eyes hypotheses suggest that this increase [in autism diagnoses] may be due to the increased use, in early infancy, of non-maternal childcare including television and video.” So, no data, just anecdote and speculation designed to make working mothers feel it’s their fault that their child has autism.

Greenfield's research track record

Stephen Sackur asked Greenfield why, if she thought this topic so important, she hadn’t done research on this topic herself. She replied that as a neuroscientist, she couldn't do everything, that research costs money, and that if someone would like to give her some money, she could do such research.

But someone did give her some money. According to this website, in 2005 she received an award of $2 million from the Templeton Foundation to form the Oxford Centre for Science of the Mind which is “dedicated to cutting-edge interdisciplinary work drawing on pharmacology, human anatomy, physiology, neuroscience, theology and philosophy". A description of the research that would be done by the centre can be found here. Most scientists will have experienced failure to achieve all of the goals that they state in their grant proposals – there are numerous factors outside one's control that can mess up the best-laid plans. Nevertheless, the mismatch between what is promised on the website and evidence of achievement through publications is striking, and perhaps explains why further funding has apparently not been forthcoming.

One of the more surprising comments by Greenfield was when Sakur mentioned criticism of her claims by Ben Goldacre. “He’s not a scientist,” she retorted, “he’s a journalist”. Twitter went into a state of confusion, wondering whether this was a deliberate insult or pure ignorance. Goldacre himself tweeted: “My publication rate is not stellar, as a part time early career researcher transferring across from clinical medicine, but I think even my peer reviewed publication rate is better than Professor Greenfield's over the past year.”

This is an interesting point. The media repeatedly describe Greenfield as a “leading neuroscientist”, yet this is not how she is currently perceived among her peer group. In science, you establish your reputation by publishing in the peer-reviewed literature. A Web of Science search for the period 2010-2014 found thirteen papers in peer-reviewed journals authored or co-authored by Greenfield, ten of which reported new empirical data. This is not negligible, but for a five-year period, it is not stellar - and represents a substantial fall-off from her earlier productivity.

But quality is more important than quantity, and maybe, you think, her work is influential in the field. To check that out, I did a Web of Science search for papers published from a UK address between 2005-2014 with topic specified as (Alzheimer* OR Parkinson’s OR neurodegener*) AND brain. (The * is wildcard, so this will capture all words starting this way). I used a 10-year period because citations (a rough measure of how influential the work is) take time to accrue. This yielded over 3,000 articles, which I rank ordered by the number of citations. The first paper authored by Greenfield was 956th in this list: “Non-hydrolytic functions of acetylcholinesterase - The significance of C-terminal peptides”, with 21 citations.

Her reputation appears to be founded on two things: her earlier work, in basic neuroscience in the 1980s and 1990s, which was well-cited, and her high profile as a public figure. Sadly, she seems to now be totally disconnected from mainstream science.

If Greenfield seriously believes in what she is saying, and internet use by children is causing major developmental difficulties, then this is a big deal. So why doesn’t she spend some time at IMFAR, the biggest international conference on autism (and autism spectrum disorder!)  that there is? She could try presenting her ideas and see what feedback she gets. Better still, she could listen to other talks, get updated on current research in this area, and talk with people with autism/ASD and their families.

*For a transcript of the Hard Talk interview see here

 **Thanks for Alan Rew for providing the link to this article


Finkenauer, C., Pollman, M.M.H., Begeer, S., & Kerkhof, P. (2012). Examining the link between autistic traits and compulsive Internet use in a non-clinical sample. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 42, 2252-2256. doi:10.1007/s10803-012-1465-4

Hertz-Picciotto, I., & Delwiche, L. (2009). The rise in autism and the role of age at diagnosis. Epidemiology, 20(1), 84-90. doi:10.1097/EDE.0b013e3181902d15.

McDowell, M. (2004). Autism, early narcissistic injury and self-organization: a role for the image of the mother's eyes? Journal of Analytical Psychology, 49 (4), 495-519 DOI: 10.1111/j.0021-8774.2004.00481.x

Waldman M, Nicholson S, Adilov N, and Williams J. (2008). Autism prevalence and precipitation rates in California, Oregon, and Washington counties. Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, 162,1026-1034.

Waldman, M., Nicholson, S., & Adilov, N. (2006). Does television cause autism? (Working Paper No. 12632). Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research.

Bishopblog catalogue (updated 26th Sept 2014)

Source: http://www.weblogcartoons.com/2008/11/23/ideas/

Those of you who follow this blog may have noticed a lack of
thematic coherence. I write about whatever is exercising my mind at the time,
which can range from technical aspects of statistics to the design of bathroom
taps. I decided it might be helpful to introduce a bit of order into this
chaotic melange, so here is a catalogue of posts by topic.

Language impairment, dyslexia and related disorders

The common childhood disorders that have been left out in the cold (1 Dec 2010)
What's in a name? (18 Dec 2010)
Neuroprognosis in dyslexia (22 Dec 2010)
Where commercial and clinical interests collide: Auditory processing disorder (6 Mar 2011)
Auditory processing disorder (30 Mar 2011)
Special educational needs: will they be met by the Green paper proposals? (9 Apr 2011)
Is poor parenting really to blame for children's school problems? (3 Jun 2011)
Early intervention: what's not to like? (1 Sep 2011)
Lies, damned lies and spin (15 Oct 2011)
A message to the world (31 Oct 2011)
Vitamins, genes and language (13 Nov 2011)
Neuroscientific interventions for dyslexia: red flags (24 Feb 2012)
Phonics screening: sense and sensibility (3 Apr 2012) What Chomsky doesn't get about child language (3 Sept 2012) Data from the phonics screen (1 Oct 2012)
Auditory processing disorder: schisms and skirmishes (27 Oct 2012)
High-impact journals (Action video games and dyslexia: critique) (10 Mar 2013) Overhyped genetic findings: the case of dyslexia (16 Jun 2013) The arcuate fasciculus and word learning (11 Aug 2013) Changing children's brains (17 Aug 2013)
Raising awareness of language learning impairments (26 Sep 2013) Good and bad news on the phonics screen (5 Oct 2013)
What is educational neuroscience? (25 Jan 2014)
Parent talk and child language (17 Feb 2014)
My thoughts on the dyslexia debate (20 Mar 2014)
Labels for unexplained language difficulties in children (23 Aug 2014)
International reading comparisons: Is England really do so poorly? (14 Sep 2014)


Autism diagnosis in cultural context (16 May 2011)
Are our ‘gold standard’ autism diagnostic instruments fit for purpose? (30 May 2011)
How common is autism? (7 Jun 2011)
Autism and hypersystematising parents (21 Jun 2011) An open letter to Baroness Susan Greenfield (4 Aug 2011)
Susan Greenfield and autistic spectrum disorder: was she misrepresented? (12 Aug 2011)

Psychoanalytic treatment for autism: Interviews with French analysts (23 Jan 2012)
The ‘autism epidemic’ and diagnostic substitution (4 Jun 2012)
How wishful thinking is damaging Peta's cause (9 June 2014)

Developmental disorders/paediatrics

The hidden cost of neglected tropical diseases (25 Nov 2010)
The National Children's Study: a view from across the pond (25 Jun 2011)
The kids are all right in daycare (14 Sep 2011) Moderate drinking in pregnancy: toxic or benign? (21 Nov 2012) Changing the landscape of psychiatric research (11 May 2014)


Where does the myth of a gene for things like intelligence come from? (9 Sep 2010)
Genes for optimism, dyslexia and obesity and other mythical beasts (10 Sep 2010)
The X and Y of sex differences (11 May 2011)
Review of How Genes Influence Behaviour (5 Jun 2011)
Getting genetic effect sizes in perspective (20 Apr 2012) Moderate drinking in pregnancy: toxic or benign? (21 Nov 2012) Genes, brains and lateralisation (22 Dec 2012) Genetic variation and neuroimaging (11 Jan 2013) Have we become slower and dumber? (15 May 2013) Overhyped genetic findings: the case of dyslexia (16 Jun 2013)


Neuroprognosis in dyslexia (22 Dec 2010) Brain scans show that… (11 Jun 2011) 
Time for neuroimaging (and PNAS) to clean up its act (5 Mar 2012)
Neuronal migration in language learning impairments (2 May 2012)
Sharing of MRI datasets (6 May 2012)
Genetic variation and neuroimaging (1 Jan 2013) The arcuate fasciculus and word learning (11 Aug 2013) Changing children's brains (17 Aug 2013)
What is educational neuroscience? ( 25 Jan 2014) Changing the landscape of psychiatric research (11 May 2014)


Book review: biography of Richard Doll (5 Jun 2010)
Book review: the Invisible Gorilla (30 Jun 2010)
The difference between p < .05 and a screening test (23 Jul 2010)
Three ways to improve cognitive test scores without intervention (14 Aug 2010)
A short nerdy post about the use of percentiles (13 Apr 2011)
The joys of inventing data (5 Oct 2011)
Getting genetic effect sizes in perspective (20 Apr 2012) Causal models of developmental disorders: the perils of correlational data (24 Jun 2012) Data from the phonics screen (1 Oct 2012)Moderate drinking in pregnancy: toxic or benign? (1 Nov 2012) Flaky chocolate and the New England Journal of Medicine (13 Nov 2012) Interpreting unexpected significant results (7 June 2013) Data analysis: Ten tips I wish I'd known earlier (18 Apr 2014) Data sharing: exciting but scary (26 May 2014)
Percentages, quasi-statistics and bad arguments (21 July 2014)

Journalism/science communication

Orwellian prize for scientific misrepresentation (1 Jun 2010)
Journalists and the 'scientific breakthrough' (13 Jun 2010)
Science journal editors: a taxonomy (28 Sep 2010)
Orwellian prize for journalistic misrepresentation: an update (29 Jan 2011)
Academic publishing: why isn't psychology like physics? (26 Feb 2011)
Scientific communication: the Comment option (25 May 2011)
Accentuate the negative (26 Oct 2011)
Publishers, psychological tests and greed (30 Dec 2011)
Time for academics to withdraw free labour (7 Jan 2012)
Novelty, interest and replicability (19 Jan 2012)
2011 Orwellian Prize for Journalistic Misrepresentation (29 Jan 2012)
Time for neuroimaging (and PNAS) to clean up its act (5 Mar 2012)
Communicating science in the age of the internet (13 Jul 2012) How to bury your academic writing (26 Aug 2012)
High-impact journals: where newsworthiness trumps methodology (10 Mar 2013)
Blogging as post-publication peer review (21 Mar 2013) A short rant about numbered journal references (5 Apr 2013) Schizophrenia and child abuse in the media (26 May 2013) Why we need pre-registration (6 Jul 2013)
On the need for responsible reporting of research (10 Oct 2013)
A New Year's letter to academic publishers (4 Jan 2014)

Social Media

A gentle introduction to Twitter for the apprehensive academic (14 Jun 2011)
Your Twitter Profile: The Importance of Not Being Earnest (19 Nov 2011)
Will I still be tweeting in 2013? (2 Jan 2012)
Blogging in the service of science (10 Mar 2012) Blogging as post-publication peer review (21 Mar 2013)
The impact of blogging on reputation ( 27 Dec 2013) WeSpeechies: A meeting point on Twitter (12 Apr 2014)

Academic life

An exciting day in the life of a scientist (24 Jun 2010)
How our current reward structures have distorted and damaged science (6 Aug 2010)
The challenge for science: speech by Colin Blakemore (14 Oct 2010)
When ethics regulations have unethical consequences (14 Dec 2010)
A day working from home (23 Dec 2010)
Should we ration research grant applications? (8 Jan 2011)
The one hour lecture (11 Mar 2011)
The expansion of research regulators (20 Mar 2011)
Should we ever fight lies with lies? (19 Jun 2011)
How to survive in psychological research (13 Jul 2011)
So you want to be a research assistant? (25 Aug 2011)
NHS research ethics procedures: a modern-day Circumlocution Office (18 Dec 2011)
The REF: a monster that sucks time and money from academic institutions (20 Mar 2012)
The ultimate email auto-response (12 Apr 2012)
Well, this should be easy…. (21 May 2012) Journal impact factors and REF2014 (19 Jan 2013)  An alternative to REF2014 (26 Jan 2013) Postgraduate education: time for a rethink (9 Feb 2013) High-impact journals: where newsworthiness trumps methodology (10 Mar 2013)
Ten things that can sink a grant proposal (19 Mar 2013)Blogging as post-publication peer review (21 Mar 2013) The academic backlog (9 May 2013) Research fraud: More scrutiny by administrators is not the answer (17 Jun 2013) Discussion meeting vs conference: in praise of slower science (21 Jun 2013) Why we need pre-registration (6 Jul 2013)
Evaluate, evaluate, evaluate (12 Sep 2013)
High time to revise the PhD thesis format (9 Oct 2013)
The Matthew effect and REF2014 (15 Oct 2013)
Pressures against cumulative research (9 Jan 2014)
Why does so much research go unpublished? (12 Jan 2014) The University as big business: the case of King's College London (18 June 2014)
Should vice-chancellors earn more than the prime minister? (12 July 2014)

Replication and reputation: Whose career matters? (29 Aug 2014)


Celebrity scientists/quackery

Three ways to improve cognitive test scores without intervention (14 Aug 2010) What does it take to become a Fellow of the RSM? (24 Jul 2011)
An open letter to Baroness Susan Greenfield (4 Aug 2011)
Susan Greenfield and autistic spectrum disorder: was she misrepresented? (12 Aug 2011)
How to become a celebrity scientific expert (12 Sep 2011) The kids are all right in daycare (14 Sep 2011) 
The weird world of US ethics regulation (25 Nov 2011)
Pioneering treatment or quackery? How to decide (4 Dec 2011) Psychoanalytic treatment for autism: Interviews with French analysts (23 Jan 2012) Neuroscientific interventions for dyslexia: red flags (24 Feb 2012)


Academic mobbing in cyberspace (30 May 2010)
What works for women: some useful links (12 Jan 2011)

The burqua ban: what's a liberal response (21 Apr 2011) C'mon sisters! Speak out! (28 Mar 2012)
Psychology: where are all the men? (5 Nov 2012)
Men! what you can do to improve the lot of women ( 25 Feb 2014) Should Rennard be reinstated? (1 June 2014)

Politics and Religion

Lies, damned lies and spin (15 Oct 2011) A letter to Nick Clegg from an ex liberal democrat (11 Mar 2012)
BBC's 'extensive coverage' of the NHS bill (9 Apr 2012)
Schoolgirls' health put at risk by Catholic view on vaccination (30 Jun 2012)
A letter to Boris Johnson (30 Nov 2013)
How the government spins a crisis (floods) (1 Jan 2014)

Humour and miscellaneous

Orwellian prize for scientific misrepresentation (1 Jun 2010)
An exciting day in the life of a scientist (24 Jun 2010)
Science journal editors: a taxonomy (28 Sep 2010)
Parasites, pangolins and peer review (26 Nov 2010)
A day working from home (23 Dec 2010)
The one hour lecture (11 Mar 2011)
The expansion of research regulators (20 Mar 2011)
Scientific communication: the Comment option (25 May 2011)
How to survive in psychological research (13 Jul 2011)
Your Twitter Profile: The Importance of Not Being Earnest (19 Nov 2011)
2011 Orwellian Prize for Journalistic Misrepresentation (29 Jan 2012)
The ultimate email auto-response (12 Apr 2012)
Well, this should be easy…. (21 May 2012)
The bewildering bathroom challenge (19 Jul 2012) Are Starbucks hiding their profits on the planet Vulcan? (15 Nov 2012) Forget the Tower of Hanoi (11 Apr 2013) How do you communicate with a communications company? ( 30 Mar 2014)
Noah: A film review from 32,000 ft (28 July 2014)

Monday, September 22, 2014

350,000 Marchers = 50 Parts Per Million

People's Climate March, New York, September 21, 2014, photo by Cindy Snodgrass

by Nathan Currier

How big a deal was the march in Manhattan yesterday? One of the organizers was 350.org, a group started by Bill McKibben based on a paper by climate scientist James Hansen which stated that we should aim for about 350 parts per million (ppm) CO2. We are currently at about 400ppm, so we need to move "only" about 50ppm in the opposite direction from our rapid growth, which hit a frightening 3ppm clip last year.

It will take a huge effort, and few alive today will live to see it (short of large-scale engineering), but it is interesting to ponder the minute change this represents in the air -- a shift of just 5 one-thousandths of one percent (.005 percent) of the atmosphere! That is one of the fascinating things in climate science, how such a minute change in our atmosphere could potentially have such an impact on the energy balance of our whole planet.

Keep this in mind if you are trying to contemplate how big a deal it is that some 350,000 people came out into the streets of Manhattan, the capital of capitalism, the cultural heart of the nation where manufactured denial has most stymied action. That's because this happens to be exactly the same proportion of the 7 billion members of humanity, 5 one-thousandths of one percent, as that 50ppm is a shift in the composition of the air. Further, some have estimated the real number of marchers as 400,000, and if the global estimates swell equally, then globally about the same proportion were marching as the CO2 growth since industrialization is a shift in atmospheric composition. In a way, all those marching were just a trace, and as soon as we dissipated into streets and subways afterwards, quickly outnumbered by people going about their everyday lives, that seemed obvious, but in another way, how monumental the right little trace can become!

And speaking of powerful little traces, methane is even far less concentrated in the air than CO2, about 220 times less so, but there was really some methane floating around the Manhattan air yesterday! No, I don't mean all those leaky pipes in the city that have led local tests to sometimes register incredibly high ambient readings of the greenhouse gas. I mean that among the marchers anti-fracking signs often seemed to outnumber all other "sub-theme" signs. This is a fascinating phenomenon, as some of us have felt that, since we all ultimately must live in the here and now, and since one cannot impact the climate we have here and now very effectively through CO2 mitigation, yet one can only gain practical political traction by dealing with that here and now, so one of the best ways to gauge seriousness in getting movement going on climate would be to watch for meaningful action on methane. In a sense, if you want people to start climbing up a very steep ladder, you need to give them a nice low first step, and that first climate step would be methane. As Robert Watson, the previous Chair of the United Nation's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change put it succinctly, rapidly cutting methane, "would demonstrate to the world that we can do something to quickly slow climate change. We need to get moving to cool the planet's temperature. Methane is the most effective place for us to start."

The Manhattan climate march also provided a fitting example of how getting the big slow march of change rolling can be frustrating: for those in the back it took two hours to start any movement at all, and then another two hours to reach Columbus Circle, its ostensible starting point. Similarly inevitable drags on climate mitigation are making rapid methane action all the more important. And uncertainties in near-term climate change, with a rising potential for high-impact lower-probability events to cause abrupt heating (like non-human methane emissions in the arctic taking off more quickly than models predict), means that ignoring the near-term climate for too long could ultimately prove fatal to all our best intentions. So it's fascinating to see an interest in methane growing from the grass roots, even if it is still largely (and erroneously) confined to the fracking issue at this point. Let's hope that the interest in this merest little trace gas of our air -- since industrialization it has risen by about 1.1 ppm, a shift of about 1.1 ten-thousandth of 1 percent of the atmosphere! -- sparks soon. The group 1250 was initially intended to provide a kind of autonomous offshoot to McKibben's 350, in order to help generate that spark, but McKibben himself soon said that he "had his hands full with CO2" and did not at the time send along to his followers the group's initial petition drive, which then quickly languished. But if methane interest does reach that critical concentration, and that spark is provided, you know what happens next: that's when climate action goes boom.

Above text was earlier posted by Nathan Currier at the HuffingtonPost 

Below follow further photos by Cindy Snowgrass of the People's Climate March.